Sunday, January 25, 2009

Total Fitness or The Books Early AAS Read for Spiritual Growth

Total Fitness: Exercise, Nutrition, and Wellness

Author: Stephen L Dodd

Objective and research-based, this book offers a valuable tool for understanding and implementing a comprehensive fitness, nutritional, and wellness program. Weaving together the concepts of exercise, diet, and wellness to define "total fitness," it dispels the many myths associated with these topics and suggests ways to bring about lifestyle changes that will lead to a higher degree of wellness. The second edition addresses important issues such as exercise-related injuries, exercise and the environment, and exercise for special populations; provides a strong foundation in exercise physiology and nutrition; and includes a how-to approach for evaluating wellness components such as fitness levels and nutritional levels. The book presents the health benefits of exercise and the concept of wellness, then discusses fitness evaluation and principles of exercise for health and fitness; the relationship between nutrition, health, and fitness; exercise, diet, and weight control; exercise in specific environments and for special populations; prevention and rehabilitation of exercise-related injuries; disease prevention and stress management; and life time fitness. For fitness-oriented professionals and individuals looking for the latest information on creating a comprehensive fitness, nutritional, and wellness program.


An introductory college-level text addressing physical fitness and wellness, with a step-by-step approach and an emphasis on exercise and diet. Includes chapters addressing exercise for special populations, as well as prevention, rehabilitation, and stress management. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

New interesting book: Iroquois Medical Botany or World of Light

The Books Early AAs Read for Spiritual Growth

Author: Dick B

The most exhaustive bibliography (with brief summaries) of all the books known to have been read and recommended for spiritual growth by early AAs in Akron and on the East Coast.

From the Author:

As the years have passed since I first began my research and writing in 1990, I have found, studied, and analyzed more and more books that early AAs read, studied, circulated, and used to establish their spiritual program of recovery. Several years ago, one bibliography commented that the particular edition for that year was the most comprehensive work available on the books of early A.A. And that was then. Since then, more and more books have come to my attention and review from Sam Shoemaker's own library, from Oxford Group people, from A.A. people such as Clarence Snyder, and from visits to archives and libraries such as Episcopal Church Archives in Austin, Texas; Hartford Seminary in Connecticut; Calvary Episcopal Church in New York; Calvary Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh; Moral Re-Armament Headquarters in Washington, D.C.; and on and on. People have wanted to know about, locate, and study these books. And this title will answer their questions. The Seventh Edition is probably the last edition, representing 9 years of research, and the work done on fourteen published titles. It will help students, scholars, collectors, archives, Twelve Step members, the recovery community, and others to get an accurate picture of A.A. "spirituality" which really meant dependence upon God.

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